Discord Rules
R1 - Be civilized and polite, don't cause unnecessary drama
R2 - Only use English in text channels
R3 - Swearing is allowed just keep to a minimum
R4 - No NSFW content
R5 - No discrimination or hate speech of any kind
R6 - Any posts which are considered spam, malicious or harmful may be removed without warning
R7 - Use the appropriate channel, and use it for what it is intended, we aren't super strict on this but please try to follow this at least a little
R8 - Take your personal issues into DM
R9 - Don't impersonate others
R10 - Don't discuss politics or religion
R11 - Please do not have a offensive or inappropriate username, if you do please change your username to something else by editing your nickname in the server
R12 - Please follow the Discord TOS
R13 - If you are unsure whether a post is allowed or not, ask @Moderator for approval
R14 - Please refrain from using voice changers or modifications in voice chats (this includes sound boards)
R15 - Don't be annoying with Dr. Music, don't abuse him.
R16 - Don't ping anyone an unnecessary amount of times. Only 1 ping is needed and any more is annoying.
R17 - Bannable Phrases (including variations of the phrases): "I can't wait to go to school"
Determined by an @Admin or @Moderator
R1 - These are decided by an @Moderator on a case-by-case basis
R5 - First Offence is skipped, goes straight to second
R11 - First 2 Offences: Ask to change it, if they don't comply within 3 days of asking it is a Permanent Ban
R12 - Instant Ban
In-Game Rules
R1 - Be civilized and polite, don't cause unnecessary drama
R2 - Swearing is allowed just keep to a minimum
R3 - No NSFW content
R4 - No discrimination or hate speech of any kind.
R5 - Don't impersonate others
R6 - No hacking or using any 3rd party mod to give yourself an advantage over other players
R7 - No inducing lag on purpose
R8 - If you find an exploit in the server please report it and do not continue to use it
R9 - No offensive names or skins
R10 - Respect others builds and things unless declared otherwise by both parties